Ingrown toenails/wedge resections

Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful and unsightly. If not treated appropriately the nail and toe can be permanently disfigured.


In cases of initial presentation, ingrown toe nails may be treated with daily antiseptic soaking or oral antibiotics.  Wearing open toed footwear during this treatment will assist recovery.   If appropriate you will be instructed on how to tape the effected nail-margin to assist recovery.

In recurrent or intractable cases a ‘wedge resection’ may be recommended. This is a procedure whereby a sliver of the nail margin is removed (including the nail ‘bed’).  This will prevent reoccurrence.


This procedure is performed under ‘ring-block’ anaesthesia – the entire toe is anaesthetised.  You will be advised to have another person transport you home on the day of this procedure, irrespective of whether your left or right foot is treated.


Once you have undergone a ‘wedge resection’ you will be reviewed by your doctor 48 to 72 hours later to ensure there is no signs of infection and to assess early granulation of the surgical site.


For the first week AFTER your procedure you will find it more comfortable to wear loose or open-toe shoes.  Simple analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen should be sufficient to manage any discomfort in the first few days following ‘wedge resection’.


There are several ways to perform this procedure and care should be taken to ensure that once the toe nail ‘grows-out’ it look aesthetically pleasing – the nail should look identical to the opposite nail in 6 to 12 months.


During your consultation you will be advised as to how to best care for your toe nails and which footwear is most appropriate to your foot structure and lower limb biomechanics.


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