Chronic spinal pain

Spinal pain can be an intricate and complex problem to manage. Manual therapies, injection therapies, prolotherapy, analgesics and exercise rehabilitation should be appropriately coordinated.


Dr Thompson does not treat patients with opiate or other drug-dependence issues. All patients taking opiates or benzodiazepines require a detailed referral from their regular General Practitioner before seeking treatment at Kingsley Medical.


Please ensure you bring all radiographic imaging and blood test results to your consultation. It is essential that you know the medications that you are taking and can give a detailed account of the treatments you have received in the past.  For more information on how best to prepare for your consultation click here.


During your spinal consultation, you will be asked some very specific questions. It is vital that you give a considered and accurate answer to these questions. It is worthwhile preparing your answers to the following questions prior to your consultation:

  • What is the precise location of your pain?
  • What activities/postures or movements exacerbate your pain?
  • What treatments have helped with your pain in the past – include medications, injections, exercises and manual therapies.
  • What treatments have NOT helped with your pain?
  • How have your symptoms (pain, stiffness, pins-and-needles, weakness) changed since the onset?


Treatments may include:

  • Manual/manipulative therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Autologous blood injections
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Soft tissue release
  • Exercise prescription
  • Trigger point injections


For a full list of our fees and services click here.


To make an online booking with one of our doctors click here.